

[Name Trench]  has not been connected correctly.
All lines must initiate and terminate at the central point of the dot.

Resolution: The precise connection between inserted elements is important. Correct the connection by inserting a new Trench or editing the one previously drawn.


The connection in the [Name Junction] is not possible. 
Verify possible combination connection in the manual or selected region's product 
portfolio availability.

Resolution: Change the preferences of the connection. Keep in mind possible combination listed in the manual and product availability. You can also try to set pipes manually.


The [Name Junction] is not connected to enough number of Trenches. 
The minimum number of connected Trenches have to be 2. 

Resolution: Correctly inserted Junction has to have two assigned Trenches. Check the drawing and delete Junction or connect second Trench.


The  [Name Consumer] is not connected to any Trenches.   

Resolution: The improperly connected Consumer will be marked with a red circle. Correct existing connection or insert new Trench.


Domestic water system water velocity exceeds [ ] m/s.

Resolution: The value of the maximum water velocity entered in General settings window has been exceeded. Despite using the largest diameter available, the program could not adjust to the settings entered.


Domestic water system linear pressure drop exceeds [ ]  kPa/m.

Resolution: The value of the maximum linear pressure drop entered in General settings window has been exceeded. Despite using the largest diameter available, the program could not adjust to the settings entered.


Heating system water velocity exceeds [ ] m/s.

Resolution: The value of the maximum water velocity entered in General settings window has been exceeded. Despite using the largest diameter available, the program could not adjust to the settings entered.


Heating system linear pressure drop exceeds [ ] kPa/m.

Resolution: The value of the maximumlinear pressure drop entered in General settings window has been exceeded. Despite using the largest diameter available, the program could not adjust to the settings entered.


The connection in [Name Junction] is not possible.
Verify manually selected Trenches connected to this Junction. 
They should have the same dimensions and pipe type, e.g. single- twin should  
be single - single.

Resolution: The elbow Junction is formed by two Trenches of the same diameter and type. This means that we cannot combine Trenches in combinations: single- quattro single - twin twin - guattro. They should have the same diameter and type of pipe. In the Trench properties window correct the Trenches connected to the mentioned Junction.


There is not enough data in the [Trench Name] for selected systems in the Producer.
Verify the demand values in Consumer(s) connected to this Trench directly and indirectly.

Resolution: There is not enough data provided for inserted Consumer. Go to the Consumer properties and review demand like power or flow for Heating system or number of apartments or flow for Domestic water system. This value have to correspond to the system checked in the Producer. If both systems are checked, in the Consumsr properties window, demand in the HS and DWS tabs should be completed.


No pipe assigned for the Circulation water system -  [Name Trench]. 
Modify the Trench settings or set a pipe manually.

Resolution: The program did not find a pipe for Circulation. Return to the Trench properties and verify the selected method for determining the diameter of the pipe - calculated or manually. Make sure that a pipe is selected for the manual method of determining the pipe.


The manually selected pipes on  [Name Trench] are incorrect.
In the Trench properties window verify manually assigned pipes to the systems existing 
in the project. 

Resolution: Compare if the manually entered pipes have been correctly assigned to the systems in the project. Check if the pipe types between DWS and CWS are the same, i.e., Single, Twin, and Quattro. These cannot consist of a combination of different pipe types.


The plug-in cannot select a pipe at size [diameter] [pipe type].Choose a larger pipe 
diameter or pipe type manually. 

Resolution: The program could not find indicated pipe in the product portfolio. The program searches for a pipe of the given size, but could not find proper in the selected pipe types (Quattro, Twin or single - depending on what is selected). Select manually another pipe e.g. a size higher or change the type of pipes in which a pipe exists. The problem most often occurs with the VIP AQUA - in this case you have to switch to AQUA. The pipe has been moved to the green layer, indicating that it has not been calculated. To resolve the issue, consider changing the pipe size manually.


[Name Trench] in the Heating system was not found.Verify the settings fot that Trench
or set it manually. 

Resolution: The program did not find a pipe for Heating system. Return to the Trench properties and verify the selected method for determining the diameter of the pipe - calculated or manually. Make sure that a pipe is selected for the manual method of determining the pipe.


[Name Trench] in the Domestic water system was not found.
Verify the settings fot that Trench or set it manually. 

Resolution: The program did not find a pipe for Domestic water system. Return to the Trench properties and verify the selected method for determining the diameter of the pipe - calculated or manually. Make sure that a pipe is selected for the manual method of determining the pipe.


The connection type Flange is not compatible with Quattro and Twin pipes in  
[Name Consumer/Producer].Verify pipe type entering to this Consumer and selected
suitable connection type in the Consumer.

Resolution: The Flange connection can not be set for Quattro and Twin pipes either. Change the connection type or select Single pipe. Proceed to the Producer and Consumer properties. After placing those elements on the drawing, changing the connection type via the General Settings window does not have affect on the insterted Producer, Consumer, Junctions and Trenches.


[Warning X ] For the Junction [Name] chamber cannot be selected. 
Chamber for external pipe dimension 250 can be only used if both pipes have 250 diameter
on the same arm. Please verify the Junction configuration. 

Resolution: In the Junction: Failed to create the junction due to the specified pipe diameter with an external dimension of 250. The program could not select a chamber because there is no chamber with a single 250 outlet in the portfolio. Consider selecting a different type - tee or H-vault. If the project requires a chamber, consider manually modifications of the pipe diameters.


Q&E fittings in size [Size -18,22,28] are missing in the country portfolio. 
The plugin has switched to the Wipex systems. 

Resolution: There are missing element at size 18,22 or 28 in the country portfolio. To create connection the plugin changed Q&E system into Wipex. To back to the Q&E fittings change pipe dimension manually.


In [Name Producer ],[Name Consumer] plug-in cannot select Q&E connection type. 
Change connection type to Wipex. 

Resolution: For the pipes above 75 diameter connection type has to be selected from Wipex system. Go to properties of Producer and/or Consumer and set connection type from Wipex system.