Missing elements

Missing elements in the product portfolio or specific product do not exist. 
Verify connection and check available elements in the selected country portfolio. 

Resolution: The warning preceding the list of unavailable products.


[Code] Q&E D = [Size] missing in the - [Name Consumer].

Resolution: The Q&E connection type could not be selected.

In the Producer/Consumers: check the availability of the product in the portfolio. Consider changing connection type.


Wipex Tee D = [Size] missing in the [Name Junction].

Resolution: The product Wipex Tee could not be selected.

In Junction: Verify the junction using the Junction preview button and identify the missing element. If a specific tee is not available in the portfolio, consider changing the pipe diameter to a larger size or change Q&E fittings.


Wipex Coupling D = [Size] missing in the [Name Junction/Consumer/Producer/Trench].

Resolution: The product Wipex Coupling could not be selected.

In the Producer or Consumer: check the selected connection type. Detailed information about individual connection types can be found under the ''Help'' button - Consumer, Producer.

In the Junction: not all elements were properly selected when choosing the chamber. Verify the chamber using the Junction preview button and identify the missing element. If a specific coupling is not available in the portfolio, consider changing the pipe diameter to a larger size or fittings to Q&E.

In the Trench: the length of the pipe coil was exceeded and the program had to select coupling which is already missing in the country portfolio. The program also identifies connectors to the Trench if the user has selected the option assign connectors to the Trench in General settings. If the mentioned product cannot be selected, consider changing the pipe to a larger one or modify the coupling material list manually.


Q&E Coupling D = [Size] missing in the [Name Producer/Consumers/ Trenches].

Resolution: The product Q&E Coupling could not be selected.

In the Producer or Consumer: check the selected connection type. Detailed information about individual connection types can be found under the ''Help'' button - Consumer, Producer.

In the Trench: the length of the pipe coil was exceeded and the program had to select coupling which is already missing in the country portfolio. The program also identifies connectors to the Trench if the user has selected the option assign connectors to the Trench in General settings. If the mentioned product cannot be selected, consider changing the pipe diameter to a larger size, change fittings to Wipex or modify the material list manually.


Wipex Jointing Equal D = [Size] missing in the [Name Consumer/ Produce].

Resolution: The product Wipex Jointing Equal could not be selected.

In the Producer: check the portfolio and modify the connection type settings in the Producer properties.

In the Consumer: check the portfolio and modify the connection type settings in the Consumer properties.


The program could not find suitable products (tee and reductions) to make Q&E T connection 
D = 32, 50, 75 in  the [Name Junction].
Please verify your portfolio and analyze possible combinations.

Resolution: The products Q&E could not be selected. Please verify your portfolio and analyze possible combinations.

In Junction: Verify the Junction using the Junction preview button and identify the missing element. If a specific tee or reductions are not available in the portfolio, consider changing the pipe diameter to a larger size or change fittings to Wipex.


Q&E Elbow D = [Size] missing in the [Name Junction/Consumer/Producer].

Resolution: The product Q&E Elbow could not be selected.

In the Producer: check the selected connection type. Detailed information about individual connection types can be found under the ''Help'' button - Producer. Consider changing fittings to Wipex.

In the Junction: verify the chamber using the Junction preview button and identify the missing element. If an elbow is not available in the portfolio, consider increasing the pipe diameter for Trench related to the elbow or change fittings to Wipex.

In the Consumer: check the selected connection type. Detailed information about individual connection types can be found under the ''Help'' button - Consumer. Consider changing fittings to Wipex.


Wipex Reducer Male x Female D = [Size] missing in the [Name Junction].

Resolution: The product Wipex Reducer Male x Female could not be selected.

In the Junction: The listed item is not available in the product portfolio. Consider changing the diameter to a larger size or change fitting types to the Q&E.


Q&E Ring D = [Size] missing in the [Name Consumer/Producer].

Resolution: The product Q&E Ring could not be selected.

In all: check the availability of the fitting in the country portfolio. If the Ring occures in larger size, consider changing pipe dimension.


Q&E Reducer D = [Size] missing in the [Name Junction].

Resolution: The product Q&E Reducer could not be selected.

In the Junction: the program searches for the best possible connection, considering diameter changes using a maximum of two reductions. If the connection requires more than two reductions, consider changing the diameter to a larger size. To make modifications use Trench properties button and identify Trenches connected to the Junction.


Wipex Elbow D = [Size] missing in the [Name Junction/Consumer/Producer].

Resolution: The product Wipex Elbow could not be selected.

In the Producer: check the selected connection type. Detailed information about individual connection types can be found under the ''Help'' button - Producer. Consider changing fittings to Q&E.

In the Junction: verify the chamber using the Junction preview button and identify the missing element. If an elbow is not available in the portfolio, consider changing the pipe diameter to a larger size for Trench related to the elbow or change fittings to Q&E.

In the Consumer: check the selected connection type. Detailed information about individual connection types can be found under the ''Help'' button - Consumer. Consider changing fittings to Q&E.


Ecoflex House Connection Elbow in the Entry Bend Set D = [Size]  
missing in the [Name Consumer/Producer].

Resolution: The product Ecoflex House Connection Elbow could not be selected.

In the Producer: The Ecoflex House Connection elbow is part of the chosen additional elements for the connection type - Entry bend. Verify its diameter and check the product's availability in the market portfolio. If the house connection is unavailable, consider changing to a different additional element in the Producer properties window or adjusting the pipe diameter to the Producer to one for which the element is available.

In the Consumer: The Ecoflex House Connection Elbow is part of the chosen additional elements for the connection type - Entry bend. Verify its diameter and check the product's availability in the market portfolio. If the house connection is unavailable, consider changing to a different additional element in the Consumer properties window or adjusting the pipe diameter to the Consumer to one for which the element is available.


Wipex Swivel Union D = [Size] missing in the [Name Junction].

Resolution: The product Wipex Swivel Union could not be selected.

In the Junction: the listed item is not available in the product portfolio. Go to the Junction properties, check Use pipe in the junction connection option and recalculated the project.


Ecoflex Elbow Insulation D = [Size] missing in the [Name Consumer/Producer/Junction].

Resolution: The product Ecoflex House Connection Elbow could not be selected.

In the Producer: The Ecoflex House Connection elbow is part of the chosen additional elements for the connection type - Entry bend. Verify its diameter and check the product's availability in the market portfolio. If the house connection is unavailable, consider changing to a different additional element in the Producer properties window or adjusting the pipe diameter to the Producer to one for which the element is available.

In the Junction: there is no element to connect the Trenches in the elbow with diameter 68 - 68, 90 - 90, 250 - 250.

In the Consumer: The Ecoflex House Connection Elbow is part of the chosen additional elements for the connection type - Entry bend. Verify its diameter and check the product's availability in the market portfolio. If the house connection is unavailable, consider changing to a different additional element in the Consumer properties window or adjusting the pipe diameter to the Consumer to one for which the element is available.


Pipe Bend Support D = [Size] missing in the [Name Consumer/Producer [Number].

Resolution: The product Pipe Bend Support could not be selected.

In the Producer: The preferences of adding bending fixtures to the pipe could not be set because product is not available in the country portfolio. If the element occurs in a larger size, consider changing the diameter of the pipe to a larger one in the Trench properties window or resign from adding bending fixtures in the Producer properties window.

In the Consumer: The preferences of adding bending fixtures to the pipe could not be set because product is not available in the country portfolio. If the element occurs in a larger size, consider changing the diameter of the pipe to a larger one in the Trench properties window or resign from adding bending fixtures in the Consumer properties window.


Ecoflex Coupling Insulation in the Transit Through Coupling Set D = [Size]  
missing in the [Name Consumer/Producer/Trench].

Resolution: The product Ecoflex Coupling Insulation could not be selected.

In the Producer: the Ecoflex Coupling Insulation set is part of the chosen additional elements for the connection type - Transit through coupling. Verify its diameter and check the product's availability in the market portfolio. If the house connection is unavailable, consider changing to a different additional element in the Producer properties window or adjusting the pipe diameter to the Producer to one for which the element is available.

In the Consumer: the Ecoflex Coupling Insulation set is part of the chosen additional elements for the connection type - Transit through coupling. Verify its diameter and check the product's availability in the market portfolio. If the house connection is unavailable, consider changing to a different additional element in the Consumer properties window or adjusting the pipe diameter to the Consumer to one for which the element is available.

In the Trench: the length of the coil has been exceeded and there is no element to connect the Trenches. If there is possibility, add manually a coil that will cover the required length or use external solution.


End cap D = [Size] missing in the [Name Junction/Trenches/Producer/Consumer].

Resolution: The product End cap Twin/Single could not be selected.

In all: check the availability of the product in the portfolio. Consider changing pipe dimension or type.


Shrink Sleeve D = [Size] missing in the [Name Producer/ Consumer].

Resolution: The product Shrink Sleeve could not be selected.

In the Producer: check the availability of the product in the portfolio. The product is related to the building connection NPW Sleeve. Consider changing wall seals typ in the Producer properties window.

In the Consumer: check the availability of the product in the portfolio. The product is related to the building connection NPW Sleeve. Consider changing wall seals typ in the Consumer properties window.


Building connection PWP missing in the [Name Producer, Consumer].

Resolution: Building connection could not be selected.

In the Producer, Consumer: check the availability of the product in the portfolio. Consider changing wall seals type.


Building connection wall sleeve NPW set missing in the Name Producer, Consumer].

Resolution: Building connection could not be selected.

In the Producer, Consumer: check the availability of the product in the portfolio. Consider changing wall seals type.


Building connection wall through NPW sealing missing in the [Name Producer, Consumer].

Resolution: Building connection could not be selected.

In the Producer, Consumer: check the availability of the product in the portfolio. Consider changing wall seals type.


Ecoflex additional insert for PWS D = [Size] missing in the [Name Producer/ Consumer].

Resolution: The product Ecoflex additional insert could not be selected.

In the Producer, Consumer: selected building connection - PWS consist of wall seal PWP and Ecoflex additional insert - part to eliminate radial stress of the casing pipe. The product is unavailable in the country portfolio. Consider changing the building connection type.


Wipex Fix Point Sleeve D = [Size] missing in the [Name Consumer/ Produce].

Resolution: The product Ecoflex additional insert could not be selected.

In the Producer, Consumer: connection type - Fix point has missing element - sleeve. Check the availability of the product in the portfolio. Consider changing connection type.


Wipex Fix Point Bushing D = [Size] missing in the [Name Consumer/ Produce].

Resolution: The product Ecoflex additional insert could not be selected.

In the Producer, Consumer: connection type - Fix point has missing element - Fix poin bushing. Check the availability of the product in the portfolio. Consider changing connection type.


Wipex Flange D = [Size] missing in the [Name Consumer/ Produce].

Resolution: The product Ecoflex additional insert could not be selected.

In the Producer, Consumer: connection type - Flange has missing element. Check the availability of the product in the portfolio. Consider changing connection type.


Tee Insulation Set D = missing in the [Name Junction].

Resolution: The product Ecoflex additional insert could not be selected.

In the Junction: check the availability of the product in the portfolio. Consider changing insulation set preferences into chamber or H-Vault in the Junction properties.