

Coincidence factor in the Heating system has wrong value. 
The parameter is within the range of 0.1 to 1 [-], with the decimal separator a dot.

Resolution: The parameter is within the range of 0.1 to 1 [-], with the decimal separator a dot.


Coincidence factor in the Domestic water system has wrong value. 
The parameter is within the range of 0.1 to 1 [-], with the decimal separator a dot.

Resolution: The parameter is within the range of 0.1 to 1 [-], with the decimal separator a dot.


The price list file is missing. 
Do you want to turn off the price list and continue? None

Resolution: The program couldn't find any file related to the price list. Click YES to turn off price list or NO- price list will be checked, calculations will proceed with 0-values.

A properly prepared price list file should consist of the following data: - ArtNo - Item number - RskNo - Swedish specific product identifier - ArtName - Name of the product - UnitName - sales unit (e.g. pcs - pieces, m -meter, st -set) - Price - price of the product for specific unit - ITP - Internal Transfer Price - the price at which the good or service is transferred between two responsibility centers in the same company


The producer has been rotated, please restore it to original position.None

Resolution: The inserted Producer icon was rotated or modified using AutoCAD functions such as redrawing, cutting, or exploding the block. Restore the default settings or insert the new icon of the Producer.


More than one Producer on the drawing.The plug-in does not allow placing 
more than one Producer in the one project. 
If there are several systems split project or replace the Prodcuer to the one with 
more outlets.

Resolution: The LHD tool does not calculate project with more than one Producer on the drawing. If there are more than one Producer in the project, it's necessary to split the projects into two separates. Alternatively, you can use a Producer with more outlets and adjust the systems in the produce's properties window.


Calculation data for the system has not been entered.Enter the building's demand 
for the selected systems in the producer.

Resolution: Depending on the systems present in the project, calculation values for the building have not been provided. For the Heating system, these include power or flow, while for the Domestic system, it is either the number of apartments or flow. It is necessary to complete the data for the project scope.


No pipe input provided in manual mode. The project will not be calculated and the trench
will be marked in green. To proceed, select pipe for HS and DWS or change the method
of the calculations. 

Resolution: In case, the user choose the manual pipe selection method, it is necessary to provide the pipe type and diameter. The program will consider this choice in calculations, and the selected pipe will be displayed in the Bill of Materials (BOM). If the user does not specify a pipe for the trench, the line will highlight in the green layer, and an error will appear, e.g., "No pipe assigned for the CWS system - Trench B2." Click on the green trench, and using the trench properties button, change the pipe determination method to calculated or manually input the desired diameter.


The User Coordinate System (UCS) has been set.The plugin uses  
only World Coordinate  System.

Resolution: To run the calculations, set World Coordinate System (WCS).

For more information: https://www.autodesk.com/support/technical/article/caas/sfdcarticles/sfdcarticles/How-to-reset-the-User-Coordinate-System-UCS-to-the-Orthogonal-World-Coordinate-System-in-AutoCAD.html

The Renumber trenches [...]

The Renumber trenches [..] function is ON. If your Trenches are already numbered, 
this may change their numbers. Do you want to turn this function OFF?

Keep it ON if you have added or deleted trenches.

Turn it OFF to preserve current trenches' name. 

* Turn it back ON in the General settings.None

Resolution: YES - automatically ucheck Renumber trenches function NO - skip the window and calculate with Renumber trenches function on.