

The Producer has more Trenches connected than number of the circuits. 
Only one Trench can be connected to one circuit.
Select Producer with more circuts.

Resolution: The inserted Producer must have the correct number of outlets. Each outlet can only connect to one Trench. Remove the inserted Producer icon and increase the number of outlets accordingly.


The Producer has more circuits than connected Trenches. 
Insert a Producer with the appropriate number of outputs.

Resolution: Producer on the drawing has too few or too many circuits. Verify the drawing and make sure that the number of Trenches connected to the Producer is equal to the number of circuits. Each dot in the Producer icon should have its own separate Trench. It cannot be left unconnected. If the number of Trenches does not match with the number of circuits of the Producer, insert a new icon with the appropriate number of outputs.


The created connection in the [Name Junction] is impossible. 
The maximum number of Trenches in Junction is 8. 

Resolution: In the one Junction can be connected 8 Trenches (only Twin pipe type). This means that 7 Consumers can be connected to the Junction. In the case where there are more than 8 Trenches, another Junction should be inserted. Check possible connection in the manual.


The [Tee size] in the [Name Junction]  has not been created. 
The plugin creates combinations for Q&E system limited to two reductions. 

Resolution: The plugin generates combinations restricted to two reductions for the Q&E fittings system. To eliminate error increase the pipe dimensions or add manually additional reductions in the bill of the materials. The user might also consider changing the system to Wipex.


Additional elements to the connection type  are not suitable for Quattro pipe.

Resolution: For the Quattro pipes additional elements to the connection type are not required. If the additional connection type is needed, change the pipe type to Twin or Single.


More than two Junctions have overlapped. Remove unnecessary elements.

Resolution: The program cannot establish a connection because the Junction has been duplicated, meaning that more than one icon has overlapped. Remove unnecessary elements. Overlapped Junctions are in the red circle.


More than two Consumers have overlapped. Remove unnecessary elements.

Resolution: The program cannot establish a connection because the Consumer has been duplicated, meaning that more than one icon has overlapped. Remove unnecessary elements. Overlapped Consumers are in the red circle.