
The results are displayed as a completed document.


The results are presented in five tabs – General data, Heating system, Domestic water system, Bill od materials and Annotations and can be printed to .pdr or .xls format. The HS and DWS tabs are displayed if were previously selected. It is not possible to edit the received results unless they are exported to excel.
alt text

NOTE! It is recommended to perform the hydraulic calculationsbefore each display of the
The calculations do not automatically update after changes are made to the drawing.
  • General data
    The first page of the project contains the data provided in the General settings like name and number of the project, address, information about the customer and designer and contact with the Uponor company. There is also information about selected systems in each circuits.
  • Heating system
    If the system was selected, the Heating system tab presents information about the hydraulic calculations for the producer and consumers, a list of calculated dimensions for trenches, and a critical path.
  • Domestic water system If the system was selected, the Domestic water system tab presents information about the hydraulic calculations for the producer and consumers, a list of calculated dimensions for trenches, and a critical path.

  • Bill of materials
    The bill of material tab contains bill of materials list, installation list and cuting list.

  • Junctions
    The Junctions section consists of the adjusted type of available junctions and a detailed description of the connection method including the used features in line with the checked system.
NOTE! The program wil automatically change preferred system from Q&E to Wipex for each
connection above DN 75 pipe dimension. 

Below an example:
Figure 97. Detailed junction preview Figure 98. Detailed connection preview

PDF Export

The PDF Export window provides options for adjusting the printouts before exporting them. By default, all the rows are checked, indicating that all the data will be included in the exported file.

Figure 2. The Pricelist Window

The exported file will contain customized data. The list of junctions is printable only in .PDF form.

XLS Export

The exported XLS file will contain the data according to the project preferences and results. The list of junctions will not be included in the XLS file. However, it will be available in the PDF format.

CSV Export

The exported CSV file will contain the data according to the project preferences and results. The list of junctions will not be included in the CSV file. However, it will be available in the PDF format.